Left handed guitar (3 of 3) 弦逆張りギター奏法について(その3)

( Continued) (前回からの続き) 

When I moved to Chicago in 2017, I attended all the blues jams happening in town for my networking with the local musicians. 



After continuing blues jam attendance for 3 months, I shifted my exposure to sitting in with the working bands. That was how I luckily landed the opportunity to join JW Williams Band. In parallel, I had started my own band acitivities as well. 

そして3ヶ月経つと、露出の方法をブルースジャムから、有名なブルースクラブでライブをやっているバンドに、ステージで飛び入りさせてもらうように変えて行った。こうして幸運にも、地元で名の通ったJW ウィリアムス氏のバンドに、レギュラーメンバーとして雇われたのだ。それと平行して、自分自身のバンドの活動も始めていた。 


Meanwhile, I made the best use of blues jams as a means to do some experiments with an audience. This included playing a bass guitar, drums, and my left-handed guitar. The most efficient method of improving instrumental skills is to play under pressure. 



By the end of last summer, I was playing my left-handed guitar on the stage. An avid blues fan commented to me that it was insane to alternate a right and a left-handed guitar. 



The left-handed guitar method is deep. If Otis Rush’s guitar is compared to Mt. Everest, I am probably looking up the summit only from its foothill. It takes both conviction and emotion to play blues guitar. 

この弦逆張り奏法は奥が深い。オーティス・ラッシュ氏のギターをエベレスト山に例えるなら、おそらく僕はその麓 (ふもと) から頂上を見上げているに過ぎない。ブルースギターは、確信 (信念) を持って弾くことと感情を移入することが大切だ。

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