My first Japan tour in 4 years (2 of 2) 4年ぶりの日本ツアー (その2)

After living in the U.S. for more than half of my life, I still value humility as a virtue of Japanese culture. However, as my first Japan tour in 4 years is about to start this week, I would like to mention some of the things I have done to come this far.

僕はアメリカで人生の半分以上を過ごした今も、謙遜 (けんそんを美徳とする日本人だ。しかし今週4年ぶりに日本ツアーに行くこともあり、ここに敢えて書くことにする。


In recent years, I had an opportunity to live in Chicago for 3 years. During that time, I performed 200 shows around the city’s blues clubs. Prior to making such a move by myself alone, I had no connections to anyone in Chicago. All I had was my aspiration to make my dream come true to play the blues where “the rubber meets the road”. It was probably similar to Japanese baseball players coming to the Major League Baseball in the U.S.



Since I came to the U.S. a few decades ago. I had been playing music as a part time musician. One day, however, I came to realize that part time commitment would only end up in part time results, which prompted me to leave my day job 10 years ago.



Since then, I have been leading my own blues band in California and performed 60 to 70 shows a year in average (except those few years affected by the global pandemic). I always chose independently only the gigs that I wanted to play.

それ以来カリフォルニアで自分のブルースバンドを率いて、年に平均すると6,70本のライブをずっとパフォームして来た (パンデミックの数年間は干上がっていたが)。それは誰にも縛られずに自由に自分のやりたい仕事だけを選んで。


In my humble opinion, there have been not many Japanese musicians who stand on the ground by their feet and dig the blues deep in this country. It would be even rarer when it comes to singing in English, not only playing instruments. The traditional Chicago Blues that I have been playing for decades is not “retro” that goes back against the time. I have been doing so from the very beginning when I started playing music.

ここまでブルースにハマり、それをアメリカで地に足をつけて深く掘り下げた日本人のミュージシャンは、あまり多くは無いだろう。楽器の演奏だけでなく、ボーカルもとなると尚更だ。自分が好きで演って来た往年のシカゴブルースは、レトロ” などではなく、昔、音楽をやり始めた最初からそうだっただけなのだ。


Fame and fortune have always been distant to me so far, and they will be as well. However, after playing the blues with my determination and commitment for a decade, I feel I have reached the point to move to the next phase. My effort to focus on the Japan market from now on may be my homing instinct to go back to where I was born and raised. I feel like giving back what I have accumulated in me for all these years. Perhaps, it is a calling from above.



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