In memory of Mr. JW Williams  JW ウィリアムス氏への追悼の意を込めて

Today I received the sad news about my former boss, Mr. JW Williams’s passing in Chicago.

今日、僕が以前にシカゴでギターを弾いていたバンドのリーダーであったJW ウィリアムス氏の訃報が届いた。 

From 2017 for nearly 3 years, I was living in Chicago. During my residency, I had the pleasure of playing behind Mr JW Williams, the former bass player for the legendary Buddy Guy.


I was very fortunate to be hired by Mr. JW. For the first 6 months after I moved to Chicago, I was networking with the local blues musicians in town every night. One night, Mr JW asked me for my phone number.

僕が JW氏の目に留まったのは幸運だった。シカゴに引っ越してから最初の半年の間、僕は毎晩のように地元のミュージシャンとのコネ作りに励んでいたが、ある夜、JW氏が僕の電話番号を聞いてきた。

The next morning he called me and said “I do not care whether you are green, yellow, or red, as long as your guitar sounds good. My light bulb was lit.” At that moment, I was not quite sure exactly what he meant, but it sounded like a job offer to me!


The rest is a history. I ended up playing with his Chi-Town Hustlers 5 to 10 shows a month for 2 years, including at the premier blues clubs like Blue Chicago, B.L.U.E.S. on Halsted, and Kingston Mines. I was also leading my own band in parallel as well.  It was truly my dream come true.

それからの2年間は彼の チャイタウン・ハスラーズ のギタリストとして月に5本から10本のショーをこなした。シカゴの有名クラブ、ブルーシカゴ、B.L.U.E.S. on Halsted、キングストン・マインズなどにレギュラー出演できたのだ。それと並行して自分のリーダーバンドでも活動できた。まさに夢が叶ったのだ。

Although Mr. JW was not a traditional Chicago Blues player, I still consider it the end of his era. His strong vocals on top of his groovy baseline were out of this world.


Rest In Peace, Mr. JW Williams. I am forever grateful to you for taking me in.

JW ウィリアムス氏のご冥福を心よりお祈り申しあげます。僕に貴重なチャンスを与えてくれてどうもありがとう。

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