Networking (2 of 2) ネットワーキング(その2)


One of the great things about Chicago is that many of the musicians and venues are open to new players who seek exposure. But whether it could lead to a job is another story. I would have to be in the right place at the right time. 

(続き)  シカゴの良いところの一つは、多くのミュージシャンやナイトクラブが、露出を求める新参者に対してオープンで、飛び入りで演奏をさせてくれる。が、それが簡単に仕事に繋がるわけではない。店やバンドが求めている、そのタイミングにハマる幸運が必要だ。 


It is a very competitive market for blues musicians in town, but without trying opportunities will never knock on my door. 



When I go out to blues clubs, I usually stop by several places to make best use of my time. There is no lack of places to go to in Chicago. Great music is happening nightly in this town. 



This past year I enjoyed playing blues to my heart’s content in Chicago. My ultimate goal is to establish my own name here, but it is a long long way to go. I have set my milestone check point in next year. I will see what 2019 will bring. 


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