In Chicago (28)

In Chicago, what I can rely on to survive in the blues scene are my own ears with which I have been digging the blues for 40 years. 



When I back up other musicians, I study their materials on their albums. If there are any cover songs, I go back to those original songs and try to understand how they interpret the songs and make their own versions. 



I try to generate good chemistry with the artists, something that you cannot read on music charts, so that I can bring the music to a higher level. By taking every opportunity seriously, it could lead to new opportunities. Besides it is stimulating when the band sounds tight. 



On the scale of 10, I would often end up 7 or 8 on stage under pressure if I try to show everything I have got. I must have more up my sleeve in order to pull off a 10 performance casually. 



I usually make efforts with the same intensity regardless of the size of occasions, namely whether one time only or regular gigs. In fact, I would have to give my best in shorter commitments because I cannot retrieve the first impression once it is made. 



“Listening” is not a passive but can be an active action. To have all the songs on a given list sink in my mind, I would spend extra time to fully digest them. The more I put in, the more I can get out of it. Nobody would feed me from a silver platter if I am only on the receiving end of information. 

そのためには、音楽を聴くということは受け身ではなく、とことん聴き込むというアクティブ な行為となる。与えられた曲リストに、より時間をかけて消化することで、より多くを得ることが出来る。漫然と情報の受け取り側にいるだけでは、それ以上の深みを出すのは難しい。 


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