Back in California カリフォルニア州に戻る


Last week I drove 2400 miles from Chicago and moved back to SF Bay Area, California. I made it home safely before the nationwide protests erupted in chaos. 

先週、3年近く住み慣れたシカゴから2400マイル (約3800km) を運転して、カリフォルニア州はサンフランシスコ・ベイエリアに戻った。全米の多くの都市部でプロテストの混乱が起こる前に、無事に家に着いて良かった。 


I drove Hwy 55 to St Louis, Hwy 44 to Oklahoma, then Hwy 40 all the way to the West Coast. Every time I drive across the continent, I am amazed by how big this country really is. 



As I was finally crossing the California State border from Arizona, the inspector asked me some routine questions. 



Officer: “Where did you come from?” 



Me: “From Chicago” 

僕: “シカゴからです。” 


Officer: “Did you bring any food, plants, or agricultural products?” 



Me: “No, none of those” 



Then the officer goes, “How about blues? Did you bring the blues from Chicago?” 



Me: “Yes, sir. I sure did.” 

僕: “はい、それはもちろん。” 


He smiled and let me pass the gate saying “Have a good day”. 

すると検問官は、ニコッと笑いながら “ハブ・ア・グッドデイ”と言ってゲートを通してくれたのだ。 


After all, one can take a boy out of California, but never take California out of a boy. It is great to be back home. 



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