After Japan Tour 2018 Spring 日本ツアーを終えて

After one week of touring Japan, I came back to Chicago safely. Special thanks go to all the fans who came out to see my band, the club owners & staff, and the support musicians. 



In 1970’s, a big blues boom took place in Japan. I caught the tail end of it in my younger years. But in general, the current blues market in Japan has been against a strong head wind. Accordingly the newer generation blues artists are not fully recognized there as compared to in the US and other parts in the world. 



However the modern blues music has changed its sound, as long as there is a gritty soul behind it, that is what keeps me in Chicago, the blues capital. 



In the last five years I have been touring to Japan occasionally. I intend to continue reverse importing myself there in the future. Home is where your stomach is after all. 



As of this June, I am looking forward to playing with J.W. Williams and the Chi-Town Hustlers regularly. I will be entering the next phase in my career in Chicago. 

来月6月初旬から、JW ウィリアムス & チャイタウン・ハスラーズでレギュラーとして演奏するのを楽しみにしている。シカゴでのキャリアは、次の段階に入ることになる。


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