"Stone Crazy" album by Mr. Buddy Guy


In the previous entry of this blog, I mentioned about J.W. Williams, the legendary bluesman in Chicago. Notably he was on the album of Buddy Guy entitled Stone Crazy as a bassist. It was released in the early 1980s when I was still in school in Japan. 

前回のブログでシカゴの伝説的ブルースマン、J.W. ウィリアムスについて書いた。知られたところでは、氏はバディ・ガイのアルバム ”ストーン・クレイジー“ でベースを弾いている。それは1980年代始めにリリースされたが、僕はその頃まだ学生だった。 


A few years prior to that, I started digging the Chicago Blues very deep. The style of the blues I liked, and I still like most, was so called Westside Chicago Blues, the unique guitar blues sound developed in the 1950s through 60s by the greats such as Otis Rush, Magic Sam, and Buddy Guy. 

その数年前に僕はシカゴブルースに深くハマり始めた。特にウェストサイド・シカゴブルースと呼ばれるスタイルのギター・ブルースが一番気に入っていたし、今もそうだ。それは、1950年代から 60 年代にかけて、偉大なオーティス・ラッシュ、マジック・サム、バディ・ガイらによって創られたサウンドだ。 


I remember when Buddy Guy’s Stone Crazy album came out, I and my blues buddies in Japan back then were stunned by the bold direction that Mr. Guy took, namely, the contemporary blues sound where his guitar was fiercely screaming. In my humble opinion, the album may be considered an epic turning point for the Chicago Blues to target bigger audience. 



I recognized that J.W. Williams was on that album as the bassist when I started playing guitar for his band The Chi-Town Hustlers last Spring. I did not have the slightest idea that I would end up playing with J.W. in Chicago more than a few decades after I heard, for the first time, the work he participated in recording in the 1980s. 

僕はこの春にシカゴで、JW ウィリアムス氏のブルースバンド ”チャイタウン・ハスラーズ“ にギタリストとして入ったときに、彼がそのアルバムでベースを弾いていたことを認識した。日本で初めてそのアルバムを聴いてから、何十年もたってからのことだ。 


Life is full of chance meeting, but how rare the probability of this to happen in one’s life? Think about it. It is wild. 



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